Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Artist Statement

Within the last few months, I've questioned what I wanted to do in my life due to a personal loss in my family. Her passing has made me wonder what is the meaning of human existence, what should one value, what happens after death, etc. I believe these are important questions one should ask of themselves, regardless of whether or not they've experienced a loss. How we lead our lives and the decisions we make effect society and the world as a whole.

At this time, the world seems to have so much apathy and despair. I believe this is because people have given up on themselves. They see themselves as a number, a tiny ant in a big world full of danger. And like an ant, people go through the motions, living each day as a routine, doing what everyone else is doing.

This can change. Society and the world has the potential to grow again. I believe by reawakening ourselves, finding what we're passionate about, and by thinking again, people will not feel insignificant anymore. With this newfound feeling of purpose, people will make positive changes on society and the world.

I plan to inspire this reawakening through art, specifically film. Visual media is the most popular and powerful form of communication today. Through aesthetics and story, I hope to push people to think of issues regarding the human condition. I hope to use the arts for the betterment of the self, society, and the world.

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